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This is a prompt my social studies teacher gave me and my response aganist juvinille exectution.

Title: This is a prompt my social studies teacher gave me and my response aganist juvinille exectution.
Category: /Law & Government/Supreme Court
Details: Words: 419 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
This is a prompt my social studies teacher gave me and my response aganist juvinille exectution.
Imagine you are a Supreme Court Justice. The case before you deals with at what age criminals should be subject to the death penalty. As a Supreme Court Justice you are asked to issue a clear-cut verdict supporting or against the issue. Write an essay persuading your fellow Justices to side with your verdict. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights oppose executing a juvenile. There has …showed first 75 words of 419 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 419 total…deserve adult punishments, as it is earlier stated the mind of a teenager does not operate in the same manor. There for the same charge would not be suitable for both the minor and an adult. In all actuality, this opinion is not only backed up ethics and the constitution, but by researched scientific evidence. Subjection to the death penalty should only be given to those who commit the crime over the age of eighteen.

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