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An argument against Marx's theories of a socialist, utopian society.

Title: An argument against Marx's theories of a socialist, utopian society.
Category: /Social Sciences/Politics
Details: Words: 465 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
An argument against Marx's theories of a socialist, utopian society.
Marx could not have expected his ideas to turn into reality. He was strongly against capitalism, stating that communism must be obtained " the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions" ("Civilizations", 671). While his theories were popular because they represented a change for workers during the industrial revolution, they were not practical. People were desperate for any way to weasel out of their current 15-hour days and low wages, and so they looked to extreme …showed first 75 words of 465 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 465 total…works now that it has been in place for hundreds of years (Helms). So while Marx may have been supported in his time for exposing the fact that the ruling class was treating workers unfairly, something that most people would agree with, his solution was impractical, and therefore never has been implemented. Communism simply is not the solution: an upper class, albeit a restricted one, is necessary; as is a government to oversee the capitalism.

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