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College tuition

Title: College tuition
Category: /Business & Economy/Economics
Details: Words: 508 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
College tuition
College tuition soars, but aid grows along with it, students are paying up to 9% more to attend school. It is said that the lifetime earnings of a college graduate is at 1 million more than the overall earnings of someone with only a high school diploma. So in the end something good is coming out of spending the money to graduate from college. How are the students affected and how may it affect schools, why is …showed first 75 words of 508 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 508 total…improve campus living and student well being. Students and parents may be paying an extra 7-9%, but financial aid has also increased to those who really need financial assistance. The price jumps for four year public colleges was an increase of 9.6%, four year private college 5.8%, and community college7.9% these increases could be accredited to the increase of staff. Hopefully when the students graduate, they will make all the money back they spent, and plus more.

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