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Rev. Al Sharpton political strategy, and relevance to race in US.

Title: Rev. Al Sharpton political strategy, and relevance to race in US.
Category: /Social Sciences/Politics
Details: Words: 667 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Rev. Al Sharpton political strategy, and relevance to race in US.
Reverend Al Sharpton has made himself a candidate for the democratic nomination for president of the United States. The Reverend has approximately 5% of the democratic vote behind in going into primaries, and has raised about 114,000 dollars for campaign money, which is not even a 10th of the next lowest contender, Bob Graham, who has raised 1.2 million in campaign money. Sharpton is the only black contender for democratic nomination, and therefore begs the question, is race …showed first 75 words of 667 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 667 total…race does indeed play a role. No black candidate can have real weight with mainstream voters until they show that they are more concerned with being Americans and citizens then being black. When black candidates leap that hurdle, race will cease to be an issue of any negative bearing on a campaign. It seems Reverend Sharpton is unable to make the leap, and so will end up in the pile of forgotten candidates once again.

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