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Romanticism in Music

Title: Romanticism in Music
Category: /Arts & Humanities
Details: Words: 1082 | Pages: 4 (approximately 235 words/page)
Romanticism in Music
Romanticism was one of the strongest movements to ever have hit the music scene. Romanticism lasted a large portion of the nineteenth century and it=s music reflected that of the world that was rapidly changing during those years. One of these massive changes taking place was the Industrial Revolution. In Britain, science was being applied to already existing manufacturing processes. This meant that, with better systems in place rather than those of hard back …showed first 75 words of 1082 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1082 total…e world=s greatest lover. But is it possible that Liszt just wanted to live forever. To experience the twentieth century, to watch the world turn into a mass of technology which he himself could not have seen. Well, in one way he got his wish. When listening to the beautiful melodies of the one hundred and forty year old Faust Symphony you get the feeling that Franz Liszt is, in fact, still with us.

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