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Title: Schools.
Category: /Social Sciences/Education
Details: Words: 717 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Every country has its own education techniques that they use to educate their students. I have experienced education system of two different countries, American and Indian education system. Out of these two I think American schools offer the best education system. Even though I think American schools have better education system the Indian schools do have some advantages, which relates to the disciplines in students life. First of all the schools in India put a …showed first 75 words of 717 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 717 total…month summer break and during that summer break they are assigned homework. But in America the schools have 3 month summer break with no homework. This helps students stay on track and remember everything that they studied during the school years. Another thing is the discipline level in India is much stricter then school in he United State. In India the teachers have the freedom to hit students for not doing homework or doing something wrong

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