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Things in The Hitcher

Title: Things in The Hitcher
Category: /Arts & Humanities
Details: Words: 398 | Pages: 1 (approximately 235 words/page)
Things in The Hitcher
This was one of the first horror films I ever saw, and it still freaks me out everytime I watch it. Rutger Hauer plays a hitchhiking nut who accepts rides from people and gives them something in return: a slow and painful death. The Hitcher's next target is a young man named Jim Hallsey (C Thomas Howell) who pretty much kicks ass. The Hitcher tries his usual methods of scaring the piss out of his …showed first 75 words of 398 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 398 total…have to see it yourself to appreciate it. OVERALL: This movie is a bargain at any price, but I picked it up for 15 bucks and that is a hell of a deal. I love this movie to death and I've watched it probably 12 times since I got it on DVD. It's one of the all-time greats and it deserves your attention. Although there aren't any real extras, it's a superb transfer and worth every penny.

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