Category: /Literature/European Literature
and plays of Graham Greene - timely, religious, melodramatic, even 'seedy'' (Graham Greene, A Collection of Critical Essays, back cover). Although this may not be entirely true in Greene's other work, it is certainly true in his novel, The Quiet
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
Brendan Behan is arguably the most prolific post World War II writer to come from Ireland. A joint American-English audience, expecting another Joyce or Swift eagerly accepted the new author into the world of English theater. A scandalous
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
a character the reader loves to hate. Whether that character be a loser, a loner, or someone who's just chubby, we all have made fun of that particular person at least once in our lives. Throughout William Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies,
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
how the many characters are really much alike one another. The first book was Lord of the Flies written by William Golding. The character names in this book was very significant. The two main characters were Ralph and Jack which were somehow related
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
the course of the play. Where many men befriended Hamlet, they later either betrayed or neglected him. Horatio, however, stays Hamlet's side throughout the course of the play, never once questioning his motives or principles.
Throughout the
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
friends, these friends would do anything for you. Friendship has been shown throughout history in the form of stories, poems, and novels. In the book , The Three Musketeers, you find yourself reading about the friendship and the adventures that four
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
way that three short stories written before 1914 use setting and atmosphere to add to the story. The three stories are:-
·The Red Room by H.G. Wells (1896)
·The adventure of the Engineer's thumb by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1892)
·The signalman by
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
on the borderline of childhood and maturity. Over the course of the days to foll she develops into an intelligent, sharp witted woman because of the harships she has to face.
When we first meet Juliet, she is portrayed as a submissive, obedient
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
of Venice, is partially responsible for his downfall. The trickery of the Christians, the legal savvy of Portia and the highly technical nature of the bond were all major factors contributing Shylock's demise, which, as evident in the play, could
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Category: /Literature/European Literature
Ralph: Twelve years old. Tries to organize the children on the island into a group that works together so all children are fed and have shelter, and most importantly, work to keep a signal fire lit
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